About the owner


Hello, my name is Jay Hines and since 2017 I have been running 100 Telecommute Jobs for the benefit of all job seekers. Like most of you, I not only enjoy working from home but also have experience working in brick-and-mortar buildings before my transition. While each job setting has its unique perks, I find that working from home has more benefits than drawbacks. Benefits such as:

Less wear and tear on my vehicle


More time with family

Better work/life balance (though that depends on your specific job)

Less commute time (No more traffic jams on 65)


Those are just a few benefits, but there are more. Back in 2017, I realized how hard it was to find telecommuting jobs, and I mean real jobs that weren’t only in the call center field. The problem wasn’t that they didn’t exist, but just hard to find. So I set out to find these jobs for you and bring them front and center.

Most places that provide telecommuting jobs want to charge you or bombard you with adverts. And while we do make use of advertisements to support the job board, we work very hard to place them in unobtrusive places. As an example, when Google released auto ads, we gave it a try. But quickly realized how nonsensical Google placed the ads on various pages. At times the ads were in such a place that viewing job details became next to impossible. Because of this, we turned off auto ads. We do enjoy having our site generate income, but we also value our userbase as well. Since its inception, we have over 1700 users who have accounts with our job board and receive job notifications and updates as new jobs come out. We are proud of the organic user base we’ve built, and can’t wait to expand that.

Some areas we hope to improve in the future are the quick jobs that can be easily applied for.  We realize that some are looking for long-term work, whereas others are looking for easy ways to make money from home. We do have a page that lists these opportunities, however, it’s not optimized to serve our users best, so we plan to improve that soon. This will be returning at a later time in the near future.

We love not only providing jobs for our users but also providing helpful guidance as well to read and use. I encourage you to check out our blog here. You’ll find personally authored articles that deal with finding telecommuting jobs, avoiding telecommuting or work-from-home scams, and more. These were written with the sole purpose of assisting you during your job search.

Especially during the pandemic, have working from home become a more viable option that many have taken advantage of. We sincerely hope that you take the time to use us as your guide for telecommuting jobs, but even use the resources we have to assist you on your journey. In the future we will have 100 Telecommute Jobs or as we affectionately call this place 100TCJ themed items that will be for sale. Please continue to check in to not only see the latest jobs added, but resources and other items we will have to assist you along the journey to your new job home.

We love to hear from you, if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at support@100telecommutejobs.com.